Finding My Roots ~ Original painting ~ SOLD
Finding My Roots ~ by Hannah Dorman
There is a tree, that is me
Growing on a rock, on the edge of a mountain
Held fast by roots I cannot see.
What my tree reveals above the solid rock is only part of me
The rest lies beneath...unseen.
To search for my roots I must look inward
And journey through the rock into the caves beneath.
As I loose sight of the daylight I am used to,
I stumble on rocks and grab out blindly in the dark to steady myself.
The deeper I go I feel afraid
Afraid of what I might find
Afraid of what I might not find
Afraid I might loose my way
I wonder
Should I turn back from this uncomfortable exploration
But then
I notice a flickering light
A candle in the dark that draws me on.
Further still I go
Outside sounds become muffled and die away
Just the
Of water hitting rock somewhere in the dark, echoing around the caves.
When I reach the candle I see in the distance another flickering light
And venture on.
Another light appears
Then another
And another.
A path is appearing before me
And I feel comfortI feel assured.
Then, around a corner...there they are...filling a huge cavern
My roots
Dangling down from the ceiling above
Glowing before me.
I walk amongst them
Untangling the ones that are knotted and un-attaching the ones that have become stuck so that they may grow freely now.
I marvel that all this lay beneath my tree and I never knew.
I close my eyes
Breathing in
Breathing out
I feel peace
And I know that I am home.
~ Original painting. Acrylic on wood ~
By artist Hannah Dorman