Saying farewell to my Belfast studio.
As the change in the season shifts from winter to spring, so too is there change happening for me…At the end of this week I will be packing up my studio/shop space in Born & Bred…you can still find my art prints, cards and jewellery in the Born & Bred shop, and of course you can always find my full collections in my online shop …but the individual artists spaces will be no more.
I will miss my lovely city space as it’s been a lot of fun. I have been reflecting on my time and the huge positives it has brought me.
I will be leaving with my heart full with gratitude for my time there, for the lovely friendships made, for treasured customers who’ve found me and connected with my art and for the learnings & personal growth I’ve gained during this time. I am grateful to Linzi for inviting me to be part of, firstly Studio Souk, then the Born & Bred family.
Here are some of my reflections and memories of a wonderful time:
Photo above: Moving into my empty space as the new arrival.
I joined Born & Bred (Studio Souk) 4 years ago but there had already been a bit of journey pointing me there before then…
…7 Years ago when I was still living in New Zealand, part of an art collective in a little town off the beaten track called Takaka. I came across a video on YouTube about an artist collective and studio spaces on the high street in Belfast city. It really appealed to me and looked like fun, a space to work alongside other creatives on a busy high street in the city…pretty cool I thought. Little did I know that a year later during a visit home to the UK we would find ourselves making the decision to move home to the UK to my husband’s home of Northern Ireland.
It wasn’t long before I remembered the video I’d watched in NZ and went into Belfast to search out Studio Souk. After chatting with the founder Linzi she let me know a space was becoming available, but as tempted as I was the reality of being in the middle of moving countries, setting up a new life, home, schools, paying rent etc I reluctantly had to admit it wasn’t the right time.
Fast forward a year and a bit; after I’d spent a year in a little green hut on Sketrick island building my art and craft practice and becoming established again, after the move… another space became available in Studio Souk at it’s new location on Ann Street! The lure of the buzz of the city and working long side other artists meant I leapt at the chance and so began my time in my city studio.

During my 4 years there; Studio Souk became Born & Bred, the walls were painted several different shades as was the outside, makers left and new ones arrived, fun times were had; mulled wine Christmas shopping evenings, studio parties, pottery painting, nights out, a group exhibit at the Love your home and more…then…COVID!!! Online selling became the new essential focus…working from home the new normal.

In this time of pandemic madness and uncertainty team Born & Bred with Linzi at the helm has steered her ship through storms, adjusted course and managed to come through still sailing and I applaud the effort and hard work it took to achieve that.

So now I am open to possibilities and waiting to see where the wind takes me, happy I will still be part of the shop, albeit in a smaller way, and wish fair winds ahead for team Born & Bred on it’s new course….I am aware at this stage my metaphors have gone a bit on the nautical side, however, that may be more appropriate than you think…but I’ll save that for another blog!…😉✨
For now here’s some happy memories of my city studio days….

Love Your Home show Souk team.
Pottery painting at Loaf pottery in Crawfordsburn.
Moving spaces from top floor to middle floor.

The early days…some growth has occurred for sure!
Photo shoot

Elaine’s leaving party in the studio

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